Friday, April 8, 2011

Atlas Shrugged!

I am reading a wonderful book called Atlas Shrugged. A lot of the morals support laissez-faire capitalism and business. Also, there is a movie series coming out for Atlas Shrugged. Nothing gets liberals more upset than spreading the words of truth. You can visit the Official Atlas Shrugged Movie web site by clicking on the link.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Huckabee for President!

Well, since a lot of people in the GOP are starting to try to get recognition. It might be because thatthey want to run for Pres. I would support Mike Huckabee for a few reasons:

1. He is for Fair Tax.
2. He is popular with musicians. Ex. Lynyrd Skynyrd
3. Good voice.
4. Talk show host on Fox News, very important.

Well, if you like this idea, leave a comment.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome to the blog. Please, relax, sit down. Read this.

Okay, just to start things out, my name's Mike. I'm not telling you my last name for safety reasons. Anyway, welcome to the blog. Now, if you're wondering why I made this blog, It's because , well, I want the Obama administration ousted from office. I feel that they got in from misconception. What I mean by that is that no one understood what the Democrats were doing, yet the people voted for the Democrats because the people thought that the Republicans couldn't do better because the people thought another Bush would be in office. The election was also rigged by ACORN (Association for Community Organization for Reform Now). Fortunately, they are getting cut from the money the government has given them by the government after seeing the videos of ACORN giving the people help for the wrong jobs. Well, I got to get going. Today's a school day and I need to eat and leave. Alright, bye!